Sunday, July 18, 2021

Intermission with Bud

Transitioning from the nude section of our Ferrero double feature with this charming photo of Bud Lanter.  I know several guys who have baby pictures in this pose that they keep hidden.



  1. Utterly charming photo. Bud Lanter was gorgeous. Good looks definitely ran in the family as his brother Gerard, who you've also featured in the past, was a stunner too.

  2. Ferrero's finest model, Bud & his brother Gerard were in school in Algeria when it was a French possession.

    1. Interesting info. Most of the French in Algeria had to leave when it became independent following a nasty war.

    2. Indeed and Bud Lanter was even Mr. Algiers Junior in 1959 .

    3. Easy to see why he won the prize in Algiers. Thanks, Jean!

    4. The final French withdrawal was under DeGaulle in 1962. So the Freres Lanter were there around the end of French control. Must have been interesting times.

    5. To the best of my knowledge the first Ferrero photos of Bud Lanter (Robert Lanteri if my local sources were correct) are dating back to 1962 . By the way ,little brother Gerard was managing a gym in Nice in the 1980s .

    6. Someone should write the Lanter brothers' story. It would make an interesting magazine article or perhaps even a book.

    7. Some baby picture! Yes, the Freres Lanter should write a book.
      The Algerian War was heavily censored on DeGaulle's orders, it was quite a shock when France withdrew, and Algeria became independent.
      Even today it can become a sore subject in France to discuss, just like the German occupation in WW2.

    8. For the most part, the British handled the loss of their empire better than the French. Vietnam was in many way a colonial war we inherited from France.

  3. Thanks a lot Jerry for this Ferrero serie and for this rather rare photo of the idol of my youth , Bud Lanter . Take care . Jean .

  4. Monsieur Lanter, si doux, si seduisant, dans cette image.
    Il a l'air innocent comme en bebe. Connu pour etre un modele tres volontaire.
    Une fois, j'ai pose nue comme ca sur une plage isolee pres de Deauville pour des etudiants en art serieux. C'etait liberateur, que j'ai fini par accepter ma sexualite.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

    1. Very good description of Mr. Lanter, and thanks for sharing your personal experience.
