
Friday, August 9, 2019

Finding some art in 60's beefcake photography

The 60's were a time of rapid social change and liberalization, but male nude photography did not go as avante garde as some other art forms.  Today I am posting some photos from that decade that straddle the boundary between what was perceived as porn (at the time) and art. 
We start with an early Crawford Barton photo of his lover Larry Lara.


  1. The first male nude photo I saw came from a magazine. It's still burned in my brain. A young man on a bridge in a leather jacket - hanging open, his jeans were unbuttoned, his flaccid dick out and him pulling on the head.

  2. Un modèle magnifique et une pose très recherchée. J'adore!!!
    A beautiful model and a very sought after pose. I just love it!!!

  3. Lara looks effen hot in this foto. Looks great and at his best clean-cut. :)

    1. I would take Larry Lara anyway I could get him, lol.
