
Monday, May 20, 2024

Joey Krnjaich

We get a very fine derriere pose from Joey Krnjaich.
And no, I don't know how to pronounce the name.



  1. Terrific series, Jerry. Nicely emphasizes male beauty.

  2. That butt compelled me to find out how to say his last name.

    Three syllables. KRN JA ICH. KRN - Hard K, rhymes with Grin. JA like Jay. ICH think scratch an Itch. KRiN JAy ItCH. I believe the accent is on the second syllable.

    1. We all know what motivates you, lol. Thanks!

    2. As one of Slavis descent, I can agree with James's statement that the emphasis is on the penultimate syllable. The "itch" part is less certain. There are different ways it could be pronounced, depending on whether or not the spelling was altered or not.

  3. Mr. Stone's work calls to mind Alfred Adler's construct of "compensation." His photographs are quite remarkable and perhaps ahead of him time in the art.

  4. Krin yeah itch, a most Slavic name.
    And a nice full and ripe Slavic ass to go with it…:)

  5. One of my favorite photographers and not just of beefcake. I saw a retrospective of his work in NYC a few years ago and learned so much more about him. His photos of Montreal show how much he loved the city. The vast collection of his photos at the Quebec Gay Archives is beyond amazing. Thanks Jerry for continuing to showcase his work!

    1. You're welcome, Pat. I recommend that anyone with an interest in artistic photography look up his larger body of work. As you say, there's so much more than beefcake.
