
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Matter of fact

Our last low hanging Estonian seems rather blase' about the whole thing.



  1. None of these males seem to be healthy. They all look grim and have tanned faces (or dirty?). Of course that doesn't detract from the bush-and-scrotum focus of today's theme. A couple of them are even decently hung.

    1. Well, they are probably farm boys who just got drafted into the army. Their faces are tanned, not dirty, because they worked outdoors in a cold climate where the rest of them was covered. I didn't select this group based on healthy appearance one way or the other, but the look OK in that regard to me.

    2. Oh, don't get me wrong. It was just an observation.

  2. These aren’t the usual models or people choosing to be nude and photographed. These are military recruits. It is a nice cross section of men. And while some may not appear healthy there are quite a few here who look like healthy and strong young men, prepared for their military training. The varying expressions are telling. Can only imagine what was going through some of their minds being photographed nude. Some seem disillusioned or almost angry while some smirk and are in the verge of laughing and smiling. And while many of the faces appear “dirty” I believe that is from extended exposure to extremely cold weather. Some of these young men are quite desirable and fit (while others are not and are in need of the training) but they may not be for everyone. And this series seems more focused on other attributes, of which some of these are quite nice.

    1. The faces are tanned because most of them were farm boys who worked outdoors in a cold climate with only their faces exposed to sunlight.

  3. These are fascinating to see, yet bittersweet. I'm sure life was tough enough for them and about to get tougher. I hope it didn't. A subtle reminder that our generation have had it pretty good. Thanks Jerry.

    1. Well, there was Vietnam for us Americans, but otherwise we have had it good.

    2. I am embarrassed to say I blanked on Vietnam, having met a few vets over the years, and listening to their experiences was heartbreaking and I was humbled at their candor and honesty.

    3. I was an anti-war activist, and I have to say that the most effective and committed among us were the veterans. They knew only too well the reality of that war.

  4. It is good to see the average fellow, as opposed to models. After all, it is the average fellow that I will make friends with, and the average fellow has the equipment that I want to be familiar with!!!

  5. The military style haircut on almost all of them removes differentiation between the subjects in terms of personality, leaving eyes/mouth.
    While those taking photos did so for science/research reasons, if the subjects were "volunteered" by the military, it is not known if they were aarly recruits prior to training, or military men who had already gotten training.
    But the beauty of this series is that they are all "normal" males of the times, in a totally asexual setting (and thus fully flaccid) as opposed to porn where no porn star ever allows pictures when totally flaccid since it would break illusion that they have a huge schlong. So seeing normal people naked has a lot of value to get a reality check on what normal people have between the legs.
