
Friday, July 3, 2020

Touchy-Feely Duos, Part 1 - Photos from around 1900

Our theme for Friday is pairs of men who got really close up and personal.
The photo half of the double feature concentrates on 19th Century men,
and I'm starting with one that I sometimes mistake for a very good drawing.
Edited to add:  Uncle Vic says in the comments that this is 
 Alexandre Falguière, artists’ models posing as Cain and Abel.


  1. This is very erotic to me. I love the "supporting" model with his powerful legs straining and his right hand, fingers splayed, against the abdomen of the man he's supporting.

  2. Wow, thank you Jerry. As you would expect I rather like these. Interesting pose. I assume they tried several other arrangements before adding the chair. This could, just work as a life pose...not for too long but would be fun to try.

  3. Photographic study by Alexandre Falguière, artists’ models posing as Cain and Abel.

    1. Cool...yes..odd the way you still put in the chair when viewing the final art work.
