
Saturday, December 29, 2018

OK, this GIF was almost certainly made after 1975, my cutoff year for vintage, but it was so cute, I just had to include it.  If anyone knows the source, please let me know, and I will credit them.  Edited to add:  Viewer Fabio sent me a note explaining that this scene is from a BBC documentary titled "The Last Miners" which aired in 2016.  Thanks!


  1. Ces photos me touchent directement. Mon père était mineur dans une mine de charbon. Il me racontait souvent que la douche était un moyen de se laver, mais aussi un bon moment de détente entre collègue. Ils avaient tous un copain mieux équipé sexuellement que les autres, et ils le taquinaient pour savoir comment il se débrouillait avec les femmes et son gros engin... Je ne crois pas qu'ils avaient un instinct d'homosexualité dans ce genre de jeu. Il faut voir cela comme des jeux de grands enfants qui s'amusaient après une longue journée de stress...
    These photos affect me directly. My father was a miner in a coal mine. He often told me that the shower was a way to wash, but also a good moment of relaxation between colleagues. They all had a better sexually equipped friend than the others, and they teased him about how he was doing with the women and his big gear ... I do not think they had a homosexual instinct in this kind of game You have to see this as games of great kids having fun after a long day of stress ...

    1. Thank you, Albert, for the personal story about miners.

  2. This was an interesting documentary about the closure of the mine and this clip captures the cameraderie that existed between the miners. There aren't many work situations where you could grab your mates cock and balls for a laugh!

    1. So true. I know that those mines involved dirty and dangerous work, but I'm sure many of those men missed that cameraderie.
