
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Bruce of LA Day, Part 2

Bruce of LA's beach photos are almost all with some sort of pants on, and they are the focus of our G-rated feature today.  We start with Manny Cabral.  These photos are a reminder that Bruce had a very successful career photographing competitive bodybuilders for mainstream magazines before he expanded his business into beefcake and nudes for gays.  He was quite good at both.


  1. What a nostalgia trip!! As a budding and super in the closet gay, my first venture into mail order pics in 1962 was to Bruce of LA - 5 photos, all g rated, Robert McKim, George Towers and David Zurborg among them and cost just a few dollars - I was, of course, terrified that someone would find out - fortunately, nothing happened and I still have those 4x5s -

    1. Not that you would want to part with them, but some Bruce originals from that time are worth a lot of money if they are in good condition.
