
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Denny Denfield took this photo of an unknown model.
Edited to add:  Viewer pierowall says this is Bill Grant, and I think he is right.


  1. Comme je regrette cette époque où les hommes assument leurs poils. Aujourd'hui, la grande tendance c'est de se raser, je trouve que les poils font parties de la masculinité!! Comme cet homme est beau!!
    As I regret this time when men assume their hair. Today, the big trend is to shave, I find that the hair is part of masculinity! How beautiful is this man !!

  2. A truly magnificent man. His natural defined physique displayed for us to admire. His wet untrimmed body hair glistening in the sunlight with full manhood exposed..all men should sail naked..

  3. I believe the model's name is Bill Grant
