
Friday, February 22, 2019

Glenway Prescott, George Platt Lynes, and Monroe Wheeler (l-r) appear here in a format I have only seen as a three panel single image.  Did Jared French intend them to be displayed this way?  The settings differ markedly among them, although the three men are posed essentially the same way.  Multiple searches of all three names have produced only this version.


  1. I found them mentioned as "Three small egg-tempera portraits from 1940..." in the article "French's Symbolic Figuration" by Nancy Grimes in the November 1992 issue of Art in America. They reproduced the GPL portrait without the other two. In the book "Male Desire: The Homoerotic in American Art" by Jonathan Weinberg, the paintings are mentioned as "...a triptych of full-length nudes..." and they are reproduced and identified as individual and separate paintings, each one 16 1/2 by 7 1/4 inches. The photo credits for all three say "Private Collection" and "Photograph courtesy of DC Moore Gallery, NYC." Hope that helps to fill out your information!

    1. Thanks, Tom! Your excellent research certainly settles the matter for me.
