
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Although no one really went to the baths just to get a bath, 
helping buddies get cleaned up could be part of the evening's rituals.
Edited to add:  Viewer jsstrand says in the comments that this is 
"Dakota" aka Kenneth Sprague, a Colt model and eventual gym owner.


  1. Center I believe is "Dakota" aka Kenneth Sprague who went on to own Golds Gym and have a very interesting life - according to google he is still with us - this pic looks like Colt - maybe someone can identify the other two guys?

  2. Ken Sprague alias Dakota teilt sich eine Intime Dusche mit zwei anderen Mannern, so erotisch. Ein Mann, der keine Angst davor hat, von anderen Mannern beruhrt zu werden, so uberzeugt. Eine Legende in der shwulen Welt.
