
Monday, April 15, 2019

The hairy guy at left looks like he's a thousand miles away . . . and maybe that's where he belongs.
  I do like his furry look, though.
Edited to add:  See comments for details.


  1. Si le mec poilu est à des milliers de kilomètres, il pense peut-être à moi!!! Ce serait un plaisir de lui offrir l'hospitalité bien connue des Belges ! ;-)
    If the hairy guy is thousands of miles, he thinks maybe to me! It would be a pleasure to offer him the well-known hospitality of the Belgians! ;-)

  2. This is from one of the Wyngate & Bevins loops where the models were rarely identified. The hairy guy is Joe Petrecelli. Next to him is Jack Reno (aka Jack Renio).
