
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Today's gang shot shows an assorted group of recruits lined up for exams.  
If those jars on the table look familiar, you just saw them in the previous post here on the blog.  
Same location, and probably same session.  Most of them seem to be looking right for some reason.


  1. La honte que j'ai ressenti lorsque je me suis retrouvé nu devant d'autres hommes pour la première fois. J'avais peur d'avoir une érection devant les autres recrues. J'étais très pudique à l'époque... j'ai changé depuis ;-)
    The shame I felt when I found myself naked in front of other men for the first time. I was afraid of having an erection in front of the other recruits. I was very modest at the time ... I've changed since ;-)

    1. So different in Texas where we were thrown (sometimes literally) into gang showers at age 12. Most of us had already been swimming with other boys and men by that time, though.
