
Monday, June 24, 2019

The underwear over the face could be to conceal the model's identity, or it could have been a device used by the photographer to appeal to fetishists.  So this might be professionally made.

1 comment:

  1. Si le visage de cet homme avait été visible, ce n'est pas ça que j'aurais admiré en premier. Le nature a bien fait les choses en dessous de son ventre !! Quel sexe!!!!! Il est énorme et ses boules!!! Mon dieu, j'aimerais avec des tels attributs entre les jambes... ;-)
    If this man's face had been visible, that's not what I would have admired first. Nature did things right under her belly !! What sex !!!!! He is huge and his balls !!! My god, I would like with such attributes between the legs ... ;-)
