
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

John Graham of London, Part 2 - Non-nudes

Our G rated John Graham series starts with this rather artistic shot of Howard Powell, 
a model who also appeared in today's nude series.


  1. Wonderful photograph. beautiful pose, nicely enhanced by restraining rope and oiling...

  2. WOW! This guy is as good as Douglas of Detroit, my favorite physique photographer. I'm sure that you've heard that what makes a photographer great is his use of lighting, aside from posing attractive models. You have shown plenty of photos of attractive models made plain and ordinary by the ineptitude of the photographer. Graham clearly knows what he's doing.

    1. Yes, Graham is one of the best! My only complaint is that there isn't nearly enough of his work in circulation. I have done a number of searches using various parameters and browsers, and my entire John Graham collection consists of exactly 23 photos. He either had a very short career, or much of his work is lost or squirreled away somewhere out of sight by some selfish collector.

  3. Une tenative de bondage artistique, une image saisissante de Monsieur Powell. La mise en scene et l'eclairage sont exceptionnels.
    Monsieur Graham est l'un des meilleurs photographes physiques.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

    1. All true, and I continue to search fruitlessly for more of Mr. Graham's work.
