
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Thanks to Larry's generosity, I have this George Strock photo of two soldiers washing in a 
shell hole near Buna, New Guinea.  Strock's most famous Buna photo was one of 
several dead American soldiers on a beach.  It took a year of struggling with censors and the invervention of President Roosevelt himself to get that one published, but it actually became a powerful impetus to the war effort.  All of today's images are from the LIFE Archive.


  1. Jerry, je te remercie pour ces photos, un brillant témoignage de notre passé!!! Je n'imaginais pas que ce genre de photo avaient été publiée dans Time Magazine!!!
    Jerry, thank you for these photos, a brilliant testimony of our past !!! I did not imagine that this kind of photo had been published in Time Magazine !!!

    1. You're welcome, Albert. Not all the pictures in the LIFE Archive were published, though. Many times the photographers only used a small proportion of all the photos taken for a story, and the ones they used were often cropped or edited.

  2. There's a 3rd naked guy in the background on the beach, and maybe more in another shell hole on the left.
