
Monday, December 9, 2019

British Pathe' Newsreel Film Clips from World War II

Thanks to fellow Hawaii resident Larry, I have acquired some World War II British newsreel film clips by Pathe' featuring military nudity.  For perhaps obvious reasons, some were never released to theaters, but some were.  Some have sound, and some don't.  We start with some Canadian soldiers cleaning up in Sicily in 1943.  Don't be put off by the Deutsche Reichsbahn rail car at the start.  It was captured rolling stock, and the soldiers are indeed Canadian. 


  1. The German railroad car didn't have to be captured, there still is a railway ferry boat across the Straights of Messina to connect the Sicilian tracks with the other European rail lines. Germany and Italy were both on the same side early in the war, so there would have been through traffic.

    1. Yes, it might have been abandoned or simply have fallen into the hands of the allies when the Germans evacuated Sicily.

  2. Outstanding film clips. Mahalo to Larry for providing them.

    1. Larry is a generous and intelligent guy who has kindly helped me in so many ways with material.
