
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Solitary Men with Horses

Going equine for our Saturday to feature some men with horses.  
I have no information on any of todays photos, some of which might not even be pre-1975.
This one has always made me think of "Lawrence of Arabia,"
but Peter O'Toole never looked this good in the movie.


  1. Oh Jerry , I have Always been mad in love with horses . Thanks . Jean .

    1. You're welcome, Jean. That ranch I grew up on in Texas has about 20 horses, and they were a mixed lot. Some were very gentle and even affectionate, but a few were real devils.

  2. Lovely image. I like the way the models legs echo the horse's.

    1. Yes, that's a great composition element.

    2. Isn't it..also his shoulders...A superb day I'll get to ride naked..

  3. Great physique on both 'creatures'!

  4. Hi!!
    This is a beautiful pic. it comes from a book entitled DESERT PATROL, by photographer DOOK. I used to have it.....and have no clue what subsequently happened to it. Some beautiful photos in it!

  5. This is a stunning photo which, as Mickey says, is taken from the book Desert Patrol first published in 1989. The photos were taken in Namibia and the book features six men who all look totally at ease being naked with each other in the desert. Copies of the book come up for sale secondhand at fairly reasonable prices. A second version of the book was published in Berlin in 1995 but in A5 size. The original is A4 and features a few more photos. Despite being outside the timeline of this site - although I'm surprised at how the term 'vintage' seems to be applied these days - I think most of your followers would appreciate Desert Patrol.
