Showcasing vintage male photography, mostly nude. You must be 18 years of age or older to visit this blog! If you hold a copyright on any material shown on this blog, notify me, and it will be removed immediately.
I also assume that he was an officer. I don't think Finnish officers were shy about nudity, but maybe he had other duties that kept him from swimming. I have the photo in my collection and I was able to find it again on SA-Kuva (because I had the exact date). The only info on SA-Kuva, other than the location, is "Eräitä Kannaksen TK-miehiä uimassa Saimaan kanavassa. Viipurista pohjoiseen 1944.06.30", which Google translates as "Some KKas TK men swimming in the Saimaa canal. From Vyborg to the north on June 30, 1944."
Maybe he was an officer and the enlisted men were unworthy to see him naked. Though the Finns are egalitarian.
ReplyDeleteI also assume that he was an officer. I don't think Finnish officers were shy about nudity, but maybe he had other duties that kept him from swimming. I have the photo in my collection and I was able to find it again on SA-Kuva (because I had the exact date). The only info on SA-Kuva, other than the location, is "Eräitä Kannaksen TK-miehiä uimassa Saimaan kanavassa. Viipurista pohjoiseen 1944.06.30", which Google translates as "Some KKas TK men swimming in the Saimaa canal. From Vyborg to the north on June 30, 1944."
ReplyDeleteVyborg in the Eastern Karelia region of Finland sceded to Russia after the war.
ReplyDelete-Rj in the IE