
Friday, August 26, 2022

That other 70s male nude photographer named Roy . . .

 . . . this time Blakey

A couple of weeks ago, I did a series on the work of Roy Dean, an exceptional 
1970s photographer.  Today it's the lesser known Roy Blakey's turn.  Mr. Blakey 
took up male nude photography after his career as a touring ice review skater was over, 
but it is never mentioned in his biographies.  I got this photo of Roy with some 
of his models from my buddy and fellow Hawaii resident Boz.  Thanks, Boz!


  1. It looks like the cast photo of a show of some sort...It would be a helluva show, wouldn't it?

  2. Great collection today... thank you. BozB (PS still can't post as me)

  3. Roy Blakey, un photographe dans son élément. =
