
Sunday, February 19, 2023

And last, but not least, an alien

This is one of those times I just can't restrain myself.  This guy looks like a computer generated graphic I once saw that was supposed to be what humans would look like after they had lived on the low gravity environment of Mars for a while.  Or then again, he might have just been an alien.  Just sayin'.



  1. That's AMG model Joe Leitel, circa 1957.

    1. Yeah, I came to comment that it looked like Joe Leitel. Nice to add another colour photo to my collection. Prompted by 2nd Wave's comment below, I checked my collection and I (now) have 8 derriere shots of Joe out of a total of (now) 130 photos.

  2. Joe Leitel. One of the very, very few derriere shots out there of him -- at least, that I could find. And he's just an earthling -- altho an earthling who was not at all shy about revealing all before the camera.

    1. Are you sure? He looks like an alien to me, lol.

    2. Richard Harrison the Actor claimed he was introduced to JOE by Bob Mizer as his Partner in 1957. But nothing about an alien.

  3. Et quel bel extraterrestre il est cet homme de Mars.

    Gentilhomme a Paris

  4. Well, if he's an alien, he can take me to his leader. That is one of the most stunning photographs of Joe Leitel I have ever seen. Never mind the hammy beach ball. It was so "then"!

    1. Glad you enjoyed it, Julian. I have to be honest and say I found it freakish, but I had to post it.
