
Friday, February 10, 2023

Back Cover

And the series ends, as usual, with the back cover.  I hope you've enjoyed the Summer 1957 
edition of The Male Figure as much as I have enjoyed presenting it.

And once again, my deepest gratitude goes to Tim T. for sharing this and so much more.
Tim and Bill D. gifted me with many more magazines I plan to post.  Stay tuned.



  1. Thank you Jerry and Tim T. There are a few new photos and names for me. Thank you!

    1. You're most welcome, Brian. It's rare that anyone can inform you on this subject!

  2. What a nice gift from Tim and thank you for sharing.

    The year 1957 was definitely a milestone year in physique photography. This issue was the first time we saw Dick Knight who would soon return for an outdoor session with Bill Grant where both of them are fully nude and fully erect! Wow! It was also the same year John Manning first posed for Bruce and he didn't wear a pouch, either. Double Wow! And let's not forget Joe Leitel who entered the gates at AMG for the first time!

    Like the classic Chevy, 1957 was a year to remember.

    1. Indeed a year to remember! It was a pleasure to share it.

  3. Well, a big thank you to Tim T for his generosity and to you, Jerry, for your time and trouble. You know just how much I enjoy a trip down memory lane with a full magazine. It's like a much earned gin and tonic with ice, lemon AND lime! This is indeed of very high quality. I cannot begin to choose a favourite model and the photography throughout is excellent. Between the two of you, you've both made my weekend.

    1. And your comment just made mine. You are more than welcome, my friend.

  4. Jerry, special thx to you and TimT for sharing this edition. I LOVE everything about it. I can only echo the other comments above.
