
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Butch Magazine

Issue 4 of Butch Magazine was the source of this Jan Eyck photo of an unknown model.



  1. vakker visning av en mannlig ungdom av jan eyck, flott belysning. men bildet hans er for raffinert for et magasin som heter 'butch'. *osloson

    1. Butch was all over the place in terms of style, particularly in it's early issues. I'll see if I have a complete issue that I can post in the future. You might find it interesting.

    2. jag sa opp 'butch' pa bloggen din og noen av bildene er fantastiske.
      de burde ha brukt et mer kunstnerisk navn, kjanske han onsket a appellere til et mindre sofistikert publikum med 'butch'. *osloson

  2. So, he likes to handle big rods, eh?

    SB Dan

  3. Interesting play of light and shadow here, plus a nice tuchus.

  4. Good foto by Jan Eyck, love to read about the obscure physique photogs....:)

  5. I have said this previously but not only is this blog a delight to look at every day, it is also an education. I was born too late to enjoy the physique and beefcake magazines in their heyday in the 1950s and 1960s – my first purchases were Him and Zipper in the UK in the early 1980s – but, through the great work of Jerry and James IV, I am discovering more titles and have enjoyed researching Butch magazine today.

    1. It's always good to hear from you, Phil, and it makes me proud to have broadened your horizons.
