It's no secret that a certain loyal viewer of this blog has a yin for shadows of certain male appendages. Having already done a "The Shadow Knows" series, I held off for a follow-up until Groundhog Day. And I'm not out of ideas yet, so expect more later. Big Dude, this is for you!
This is John Davidson - always known as "Butch". He was a marine and rumoured to have had a scene with Blackie Preston, with whom he did a number of films for AMG. Mobilized for Vietnam, he died of meningitis on the island of Guam.
ReplyDeleteI should have known and noted that.
Deleteunge davidson, hvor tragisk slutten hans. bekymret for a reise til viet-nam og i stedet do av skydom i guam. jeg tror kanskje guds vil, hvem vet, unge davidson kan ha blitt sprngt i viet-nam i stedet. en tragedie ! *osloson
DeleteA real tragedy. While the Vietnam war was was a sad and useless waste, the great majority of American soldiers survived, and Mr. Davidson likely would have. In most cases, the human damage was more mental than physical.
Deletejeg har alltid folt hvorfor ikke amerika fikk sor-vietnameserne til a kjempe for seg selv ! i andre verdenskrig forventet vi ikke i europa ikke at amerika skulle klare alt, vare motstandsstryker og partisaner hjalp mye med store ofre. *osloson
DeleteThe South Vietnamese did mobilize an army, but according to most experts, they weren't as proficient as the American troops. Plus, they were fighting their own people. One of my university history professors had been an advisor to Lyndon Johnson during the escalation of the war. He resigned and returned to teaching after he became convinced that it was a colonial war that was driving the Vietnamese into the hands of the Communists. If LBJ had only listened to him!
DeleteJerry, thanks a million. I find myself liking both this man's shadow AND the aforementioned appendage.
ReplyDeleteNo problem.
DeleteFrom what I have read about JOHN "Butchie" DAVIDSON all of his Physique modeling took place in the first six months of 1965. "Butchie" was already in the US Marine Corp when he started physique posing in 1965, first for Walter Kundzicz of Champion Studios and then on to the west coast where he posed for AMG, Pat Milo and Spartan.
Delete"One of the liveliest, most energetic models we have ever had here" Bob Mizer claimed.
Davidson first met Bob Mizer in March 1965. In only a month and a half Mizer photographed and filmed him about eight times – solo and with other models like Tony Martin, Pat White, Bill Deane, Blackie Preston and Al Emond, who was a close friend of Davidson. He was featured in six AMG films, including a solo posing film , a film with Pat White , The Improvident Immigrant , Vicious Guard , Gladiator and the Slave and Sassy Seaman and the Officer.
Modeled while still serving at a local Marine Corps station then was shipped off to Viet Nam. He never made it to Vietnam. According to his military record, John Davidson died as a result of a "Japanese encephalitis" infection (closely associated with our current West Nile Virus) on the island of Okinawa on the Fourth of July in 1965. He was five months short of his 20th birthday.
A Champion model he also posed for AMG and Pat Milo.
An unusual model, well muscled but not ripped; handsome, baby faced.