
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Hallway again

Our last picture of Jim Stryker shows him in the hallway again.  
I'd love to know the significance, if any, of the extended index finger.
And once again, many thanks to Uncle Vic for today's photos.



  1. I think of Mr. Stryker as a 1960s physique model, but according to one source, he first posed for Walt Kundcicz in the summer of 1952 when he was 18 years old. Monte Hansen was also introduced by Champion and I've seen photos of Jim and Monte on a beach somewhere, probably Fire Island. One of Walt's films featured Jim spending the day at Fire Island -- and that was released in 1962, a full decade later. By 1963, Monte was firmly ensconced in LA posing for Bob Mizer. I guess someone got Jim's debut year wrong.

    1. I agree that Jim Stryker's debut was probably much later than 1952. I did not know that Monte Hansen had worked for Champion, though.

    2. I had to check. Monte first posed for Kris who took him to NY to meet Walter. Walt took Monte and Jim together to LA and introduced them to Mizer. Monte did a boatload of work at AMG, but I've never seen an AMG film or photo of Jim. In fact, I think Jim remained exclusive to Champion.

    3. Jim Stryker's hairstyle, clothes, including underwear and swimwear, all equate to early '60s, not '50s. He also looks too young had he been 18 in '52.

    4. I have a picture of Monte in my queue that was attributed to AMG by my source, but it doesn't look like Bob Mizer's work. Now I have two other possibilities.

  2. For what it's worth, there was a "finger fashion" in France at this time for young men wearing "un jeans cigarette", known in England as "drainpipe jeans". They had an extra belt loop through which the wearer would insert an index finger and then swagger. It has been said that anything and everything makes its way across the Atlantic in the end - supermarkets, zip fasteners and Christian Science. Maybe the traffic in this instance went the other way.

  3. I loved the photo of Mr. Stryker in your Vulcan series. It's nice to be able to read some of his bio and view these beautiful photos. Please add my thanks to Uncle Vic for sharing today's series.

  4. Hey, Jerry, I have around 50 photos of Jim Stryker (several of which are magazine covers). Would you like me to send them to you? One of them is a better quality version of the fourth one you posted in this series.

  5. Wonder if "Jeff Stryker" took his nom de porn from this Stryker? Dee Exx

  6. The original Stryker, all the Strykers that came after him owe him a debt....:)
