
Friday, February 3, 2023


Based on the curled up strips of paper on the floor,
I'd say this might have been a Polaroid session.



  1. What on earth are those things on the wall behind him? There was a time when people used to hang flying birds on their walls. I had friends living next door to a house that had flying birds clearly visible on the back wall of their front room. The owners moved but left the birds. The new owners moved in, took the birds down and sold them at a car boot sale. Little did they realize that my friends had bought them. They put them up on the back wall of their front room so it looked as if the birds had flown through the adjoining property wall. The new owners were not amused. Doubtless their first encounter with gay humour.

    1. Those look like game cocks to me. My neighbors raise them, and it took a while to get used to the noise. Your friends' sense of humor seems odd to me, and I'm gay.

  2. de er kamphaner. kanskje indikasjon pa motivets karakter, ville fotografen vite.
    hver mann onsker a fole seg sexy. * osloson

  3. I am loving the nostalgia of this photo. The rotary telephone, the box of Sylvania flash cubes and that table lamp! Naturally, the gentleman posing only adds to it!

    1. I wondered if anyone would notice the flash cubes. You get the prize.

    2. To be transported back to this moment in time for a couple of hours would be a nice prize1

  4. The embellished lamp, the rooster wall art and the wall heater scream 60s!
    Why wonder Polaroid Automatic Land Cameras were so popular then.......:)
