
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Uncle Vic presents Jim Stryker

Not long ago, I featured a single photo of Jim Stryker in a series on the somewhat 
obscure Vulcan Studio.  (He also worked for Champion.)  Typically, I yearned 
for more, and viewer Uncle Vic came through with today's set. We start 
with a portrait that the young man could have sent home to his mom.

Many thanks to Uncle Vic for providing the material for this series!



  1. What happened to Jim Stryker? Is he related to Jeff Stryker?

  2. As far as I have been led to believe, Jim Stryker came from quite a well-to-do, East Coast family and made his modelling debut with Walter Kundzicz’s Champion Studios whilst at university in New York (echos of Dick Stark). There is indeed a whiff of the preppy Ivy League about him. He apparently had a sense of entitlement about as big as a Stryker Family trust fund which, in tandem with a voracious sexual appetite for both sexes, made him extremely promiscuous. He fades from the modelling scene early on... and given that the magazine photographs have him in briefs or bathers (echos of Dick Stark), I imagine the full frontals were for private consumption - at doubtless a hefty fee - or for later publication.

  3. Thank you, Jerry and Uncle Vic, for this fine series. As nice as the nudes are, the above photo is the best of the lot. Those eyes, that face, the hair: I'm sure everyone wanted to ... be with him.

    1. You're welcome! The photo above is my favorite, too.

  4. He definitely came from wealth. There's a foto from 1960 of Stryker standing next to the front of an early 50s British luxury car with NY plates....:)

  5. Jim Stryker ist so gutaussehend wie en Filmstar. Liebesspeiler 'heart throbs' Tab Hunter und Troy Donohue kommen einem in den Sin, ebenso wie Toni Sailer und Christan Anders in Oesterreich. Ein wilder Mann mit einer wilden Bettmanier.

  6. ja, et filmidol, et homofil fotoidol. sa kjekk djevel denne stryker, en promiskuos rik gutt. rikdom gir tilgang til mange laster i norge med var oljerikdom, bortskjemte brat oljebarn er et problem. *osloson

  7. Real name Marcel “Sonny” van Dorp.
    Walter Kundicz hired Stryker for 21 photo sessions (1959-1963) many of them at Fire Island. -Rj
