
Monday, March 20, 2023

Champion Studio

Today we have an all color series by Champion Studio,
starting with Patrick Berglund in bed.



  1. Berglund is a Swedish name meaning "mountain grove": berg, "mountain" or "hill" and lund a "gove of trees". And boy, does he look as if he just walked out of Scandinavia. If you like blonds, it's the place to be. (In the country districts - where people did not really travel much - I used to be gorped at as if I'd landed from Mars.) He's also got that opaque Swedish skin which tans so well.

  2. Great bod, tan and tan lines on Berglund.
    Blond jocks have more fun that is certain. And who didn’t have those headboards with the built-in bookshelves back in the 60’s and 70’s.
    -CA jock
