
Saturday, March 25, 2023

One last Denfield

Closing out Andy Kozak day with a Denny Denfield photo 
that shows off our model and some spectacular California scenery.



  1. The scenery in the foreground is also spectacular.

  2. A question. A source I read somewhere long ago stated Kozak first posed for AMG in the late 1940s. Does that sound possible to you?

    1. Well, Mr. Kozak worked for several photographers, so why not AMG as well? I just did a quick search of my files, and I have four photos of him labeled as AMG. One is the outdoor art session, but I also have it labeled with no attribution. Another is a posing strap frontal where he has his chest hair intact. The other two show are posing strap duos of him with another model named Alan Thomas and again with Larry Farrell outdoors in a different pose. So I think the answer to your question is yes, but he apparently didn't do any full frontals for AMG. (Or at least they are not in circulation.) I will be happy to send them to you if you like.

    2. I found something. I'm going to post your photo of the brothers tomorrow along with a very similar photo I found that is attributed to "very early AMG". Stay tuned!

  3. Another great set Jerry! Andrew is one of my favourite models, always natural and relaxed. I think I read somewhere once that Denfield said he was always very kind and polite. A class act.

    1. Thanks for the compliment, Pat. I've also read that Mr. Kozak was a very decent individual.
