
Monday, April 3, 2023

18th Century?

This looks 18th Century, and perhaps one of you Latin students can translate
 the inscription.  I suspect the artist's name or at least a clue is there.



  1. My Latin has vaporized, unfortunately. I tried. The bottom seems to say something about the deeds of Tristia. I can only wonder what the man on his knees was planning to do, since he seems to be looking directly at the king's peter.

  2. I have the following info in my collection:
    German Artist: Heinrich Aldegrever. From a series called The Seven Planets (Die sieben Planeten). It pictures Sol, enthroned at right, wearing a crown and holding a sceptre. Phaeton kneeling in front of him, seen from behind in left foreground. 1533. My latin is not nearly good enough to decipher what's there.

  3. All that I can say is that the fellow who is kneeling is in a very envious spot!

    1. Adds a new meaning to "Sun Worshipper."
      Sign me up!

    2. Louis XIV was the Sun King, but this was about a century before him.

  4. Based on what 2nd wave wrote, this is Phaethon appealing to his father, Helios the sun god (Sol), because he was accused of being illegitimate. Helios swore to prove Phaethon's paternity by giving him whatever he wanted. Phaethon asked to be allowed to drive the chariot of the sun through the heavens for a single day. Helios, bound by his oath, had to let him make the attempt. Phaethon set off but was entirely unable to control the horses of the sun chariot, which came too near to the earth and began to scorch it. To prevent further damage, Zeus hurled a thunderbolt at Phaethon, who fell to the earth at the mouth of the Eridanus, a river later identified as the Po.

  5. Thanks Thomas. I love the myth background info.

  6. The Latin is:

    Clarus inoffenso radios dat lumine Phoebus
    atque fugat umbras tristitiamque po [——]

    The Latin is:
    Bright Phoebus with unobstructed light sends [lit. “gives”] his rays,
    and puts to flight the shadows and — sorrow.

    The final word is cut off, so I can’t translate it. The whole thing is a brief poem (an elegiac couplet), though there is a metrical blunder in the words “fugat umbras.”

