
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

I never was a fan of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, either as duo or otherwise.
I do, however, find this photo to be quite interesting.  I just wonder if it's real.



  1. I saw this on another blog, and wondered if it were real. I cannot picture either of them allowing this to occur.

  2. Replies
    1. Hopefully, a viewer with photoshop detecting software will chime in soon.

  3. Dean Martin supposedly once said, “You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on" and for once I can believe that.

    1. I read that Mr. Martin's alcohol abuse was mostly a sham and just part of his act until his son Dean Paul was killed in a plane crash in 1987.

  4. The photo is real, taken at the El Mirador hotel in Palm Springs in 1952. I used the photo in my blog in a post about Palm Springs on Palm Sunday, and a reader referred doubters to this blog post that gives details about this photo and several others taken at the same time:

  5. I've seen this and others in the set before. The last people I would want to see au natural! I liked Martin post Lewis, but never Jerry Lewis in any incarnation!

  6. Pat, couldn't agree more. While working as a flight attendant in the mid-70s, I had the displeasure of having Lewis on a flight from LAX-MIA. He was an absolute asshole.

    1. He is/was more popular in France that in USA, that says a lot...

    2. I can imagine! I did corporate for British Airways and we had a brief encounter with Debbie Reynolds, who was absolutely miserable to deal with. The joke was "still not over Liz and Eddie?" Lol.
