
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

What's wrong with this picture?

Calling Big Dude!  As our resident shadow expert, I'm calling on Big Dude to tell me why I think the thigh shadows here don't seem quite right.  I could be just imagining things, I suppose.



  1. I'm not sure I'm seeing what you're referring to. The cock Shadow on the male at the right seems properly placed, as do their shadows on the ground. You can barely see a cock Shadow for the man on the left. Sorry, I don't see anything unusual here.

    1. Thanks for your take, B.D. See anonymous below for more.

  2. Well, If you trace a line from the tip of the shadow(s) to the tip of the dick(s) (and from the crotches v' to the shadows) the direction of the lines from the men at left & the 2 at right are different...

    1. I don't think there's a problem here. Look at the shadows of the first three men from the left. They are directly behind them and as near as damn it, the same size. This means that the sun was possibly an hour or two over the zenith - depending on latitude - and the angle of the men not quite directly facing the sun at a left to right angle, the third man standing at an angle more acute than the previous two. The man to the right is standing at an acute angle just short of 90°. This means that the facing sun casts shadows to both left and right depending on the angle of the body casting the shadow. From this we can tell that the photograph was taken in the Summer quarter, North of the equator, in the early post meridiem of probably early August. And I have now disappeared so far up my hoop, all you can hear is an echo.

    2. It's been a very long time since I was in geometry class.

  3. I did not see the different angles of the shadows as being unusual. The men are standing at slightly different angles to the sun.

  4. 4 volunteers to repeat the experiment? Count on me!
