
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Jack Radcliffe

This is Jack Radcliffe, aka Frank Martini, probably the quintessential example of what many considered to be the "ideal" bear.  Holding a double major in physics and math from Buffalo State U., he was discovered in 1989 and began appearing in Bear Magazine and their porn films.  Having bought one of those VHS films, all I can say is, "What a disappointment."



  1. Almost every pic I've seen of this handsome dude online is fuzzy (ahem) or grainy.

  2. I have to say he looks much better today. I have to ask, why the disappointment?

    1. Limp. When people wrote in about his inability to peform, the producers stonewalled at first. Finally, they put a lame item in Bear Magazine stating that they didn't want to take the mystique away from their star by putting him into either the top or bottom category, so he didn't really do anything.

    2. Glad to know I am not the only one that felt that he was underwhelming! I have a solo of him that seemed to drag on forever. It was like watching paint dry. Lol.
