
Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Ride 'em Cowboy!

No, this is not a prototype for one of those silly barroom bronco riding machines.  It's actually a French sculptor's mockup for an equestrian statue.  The model is wearing an interesting strap of some sort.  Perhaps Calorman will kindly enlighten us with his garment expertise.



  1. It's very difficult to say, other than it is a jockstrap, which is what it appears to be. Given that this is supposedly a French sculptor, it is odd to see an "Anglo-Saxon" supporter, because the French did not wear them. But then, it might be an "Anglo-Saxon" model. The French of the period would wear a "suspensoir" which is also their word for braces or suspenders. It was effectively a dance belt, which today we would call a thong or a T-back. These were worn in great numbers by the strongmen of the Victorian era, from France across the continent to Russia, where the Zeitgeist did not have a problem with naked buttocks and coincided with the introduction of India rubber, which was used for the invention of elastic. Aside from that, I have no idea.

    1. Well, we don't get a very good look at it, do we? The straps look rather thin to me, and that's what made me wonder.

  2. It does a bit like a jock. I'm wondering if it is for the comfort of the model? He is sitting forward and upright on a hard leather saddle. Although some of his weight is borne on his feet..Things might get, er squashed? Just an idea. At some point I hope to try an equestrian pose.

    1. Well, they did give him a saddle, and that would help with comfort, at least avoiding the possibility of splinters. As someone who almost literally grew up on a horse, I can say that the type of undergarment has little effect on the pressure on the privates. The way one arranges them within the undergarment is key.

  3. Le Jacque Stwap!-Dee Exx
