
Monday, August 28, 2023

Thomas Eakins

Thomas Eakins' inclusion in my set of brilliant bearded men will come as no surprise to blog regulars.  The photo above may have been taken by Sam Murray, Eakins' protege, presumed lover, and fellow artist.  Never one to be shy, he posed nude himself, as below:

In 1902 Thomas Eakins was inducted to the National Academy of Design, and he submitted 
the self portrait immediately below as a diploma piece, which was accepted.  It is very much
 in keeping with his realist genre work and similar to his well regarded portraits of others.   

Mr. Eakins' second and only other known self portrait is below and was done the same year, 1902.  
It follows a much more modern style and appears almost unfinished.  I like them both.


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