
Monday, September 4, 2023

Scumbeast puzzler

For some reason I've never figured out, Mr. Scumbeast labeled this photo "Vini, vidi, vici."  It helpfully has the location, Montauk Point on Long Island, but the carpenter's name is marked out.



  1. I didn't realize Julius Caesar got as far as Montauk Point, but seeing that Egyptian hieroglyphs were found along the Mississippi delta, that Carthaginian graves have been found in, I believe, Colorado and that there is apparently a cave in the Grand Canyon containing Greek Egyptian artifacts, it should not come as a surprise... History may not be what we have been led to believe.

    1. My niece thinks there are Viking runes in Oklahoma.

    2. The Heavener Runestone in SE Oklahoma is must likely the work of 19th century Scandinavian settlers in the area who were part of the "Viking revival" that was popular at the time.
      However, a professor from the University of Upsala who examined the runes said there was a 20-30% chance they dated from the 10th-11th century. So I guess your niece might possibly be correct.

    3. Well, it is now more or less accepted by scholarship that the Norse navigator, Leif Eriksson, discovered the East Coast of North America circa 1000CE, having sailed from Iceland to Greenland and then further West. The Norsemen called it Vinland - "Wineland" because the climate was warm enough for the cultivation of vines and wine production - and archeological remains of their settlements have been excavated. There are tales told by various of the indigenous tribes that acknowledge the historical presence of these Vikings which heretofore was mistakenly thought by anthropologists to be mere myth. I see no reason to doubt the existence of runic engravings and so I think there is little hard evidence to doubt your niece's claim, albeit surprisingly further to the West than previously thought.

  2. If I remember my Latin the inscription is translated as “I came, I saw, I conquered.” So the title seems rather appropriate.
