
Friday, November 24, 2023

MIddle Aged Nudists

If you've noticed an uptick in the amount of nudist offerings on the blog lately, it's because of two things.  First, I have so many nudist pictures, I could probably do the whole blog with them and not run out.  Second, if there's any ordinary activity or type of man you can think of, there are photos of nudists to fit the description.  Today it's middle aged guys, starting with this fellow who apparently ran charm classes for nudist females, although you couldn't tell it from this picture.



  1. Hairy and handsome. Too bad he's not one of us. Or could he be?

    1. We'll never know, but you gotta figure at least some of these fellows were interested in other men.

    2. Yeah, some of them had to be and I’m happy they at least were comfortable around other nude men.

  2. Always good to see nudists of all shapes and sizes. This style of club seems to be no more. I wish I'd got to go to one. Just having fun naked in the sun.

    1. Make of it what you will, but male only, i.e. gay, clothing optional resorts seem to comprise a disproportionate percentage of the remaining nudits venues. It must be true because Google says so, lol.
