
Sunday, November 26, 2023


I have a big file in my collection called "Panels."  It consists of photos that are mostly composites of multiple images put together for various reasons.  Today we look at ten examples, starting with this Ivy League posture study.  I have erroneously labeled photos as Ivy League in the past, but I'm pretty sure I have this one right because it says "Yale" at upper right.



  1. A fascinating project. Producing a rather German Expressionist look. Love that top view. I see it says 1953.

    1. I still wonder how they managed to keep doing this as long as they did.

  2. I WONDER where they're "leaking from." and to....
    Pics "turn up" but, where is that motherboard?
    Did they discard them in a dumpster, and only a few were rescued, or are they fiercely guarded, and yet, still are pilfered?

    1. Autocorrect strikes again, lol, with the usual techie default. I've also wondered about how all these got released. Larry over at The Unashamed Male blogspot knows more about this subject than anyone I know. You might check his blog and/or contact him.

    2. They seem to be photos of Freshmen, taken in the Fall just after they entered college. Can you find a set of my father, Thomas Boylan, Jr., University of Pennsylvania Class of 1942, so his photos would have been in the Fall of 1938?

    3. Jim, I couldn't find anything at all, but you might try contacting Larry K by leaving a comment at Larry knows far more about this topic than I do.
