
Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Genius Week, Day 4 - Gaudenzio Marconi

You all knew I had to include a 19th Century European photographer for Genius Week, and I chose Gaudenzio Marconi (1841-1885) a Swiss photographer who relocated first to Paris and then to Brussels.  Marconi wasn't the first to produce male nude photo studies for artists, but he was the first to do so in sufficient quantity and quality to produce an impact.  In fact, part of the reason he decamped to Brussels was due to the Paris authorities taking a reactionary bent and prosecuting him for offending public morals.  As an added element of interest, all ten of today's photos will be of the same amazing (and adaptable) model.  We start with him wielding a knife.



  1. Is anything known about the model?-Dee Exx

  2. A superb model. I assume that he was recruited from an art school?

    1. Yes, I think so. See my reply to your other comment.
