
Friday, December 22, 2023

Gone, but never to be forgotten . . .

Pat Rocco 1934-2018

I've mentioned it in a previous post, but it's worth repeating.  After he retired and moved to Hawaii in the 1980s, Pat Rocco continued his activism, serving on civic boards and eventually founding the Hilo Pride Parade and Festival.  His genius wasn't just in those pioneer days in L.A., but something that followed him all his life and into the lives of thousands.  Below are some images from Pride in my adopted hometown.

Below you can see the crowds lining Bayfront Highway, a major thoroughfare in Hilo.  
Pride has become such a big event that the parade route had to be extended and the festival area expanded this year for the 10th Anniversary.  Massive amounts of Aloha flowed that day.

It's a tradition here on the Big Island to have contingents on horseback in parades, 
and our Pride Parade is no exception.  Both rider and horse seem to be enjoying the crowd.

And of course the happy bears turn out.  They dance, too!

To honor his contributions to our gay community here in the Hilo area,
Mr. Rocco was made Grand Marshall of our 2015 Pride Parade. 

And finally, two years before he passed, our Governor honored Pat Rocco with a special day of recognition.  His legacy will live on and continue to improve lives.



  1. Replies
    1. I didn't know a fraction of his accomplishments until I began researching him for a blog entry several years ago.

  2. Great series, as always, Jerry! Thanks for all the insights!
