
Saturday, December 30, 2023

Raymond "Czanara" Carrance via Galerie au Bonheur

In my last series from the Galerie au Bonheur's collection, I posted one photo by Raymond "Czanara" Carrance (1921-1988), a somewhat obscure photographer.  Today I'm posting more of his work.  I'd love to share more of his biography, but little is known other than that he mainly worked in Paris as a book illustrator.  In fact, it was a bookseller and collector who bought Mr. Carrance's photo and drawing work from an estate sale and preserved them.  While he did have a few shows during his lifetime, his work remains somewhat obscure, despite the publication of several books featuring his photos and art.  We start today's set with a man from 1960 on a driftwood log.



  1. That pose is unique. And it's almost as if the model was trying to camouflage himself. He appears to have an all over tan.

    1. Mr. Carrance had a unique approach to composition, and I like it a lot.

  2. This is an enjoyable set, his work is very interesting and I am curious to see more. Thanks Jerry!
