
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Civilian Conservation Corps

The Civilian Conservation Corps was a Depression era program that enlisted young men 
to work on government soil conservation, park construction, and other outdoor projects.  
Google it for details/  We start the series with a 1938 promotional poster.



  1. Some of the advertising for the CCC was homoerotic as well as many of the pictures we've seen over the years. Get a bunch of guys age 16 to early 20s and you are going to have some intimate camaraderie. These guys accomplished a lot during the 9 year run of CCC evidenced by many works here in Arizona. They were paid one dollar per day The Corps got them off the streets and into a place of doing something productive. Getting 3 square meals per day was no doubt a major attraction for some. I'd like to see more of this.

    1. It would have to be a G rated series because I've used just about all the material with nudity that I could find. I agree about the usefulness of the program, and I think they're still a place in the world for similar.

  2. My Dad was in the CCC and regarded it as his salvation from poverty and possibly crime.

    1. Glad to hear this. Your dad and many thousands of others got amazing benefits from this program.

    2. Glad to hear this. Your dad and many thousands of others got amazing benefits from this program.

  3. I find this very interesting, we could use something like that here for our youth who have no direction.

  4. Roosevelt implemented this when the American economy was in the tank. Poverty and desperation were everywhere. It save a lot of young men but it fizzled when America got into WWII which obviated the need for it. I don't think it paralleled Hitler's Youth Corp which I believe was more militant and it did include women.

    1. One side effect, intended or not, of this program was at a lot of the members were fully ready for military service when the time came.

    2. Fascinating. Never thought of that before. Nice point.
