
Monday, January 29, 2024

Melvin Wells?

Not one, but two, vintage resale sites identified this Lon model as Melvin Wells.  The problem?  
I have more than one other photo labeled as him that doesn't quite look like this to me. 
 I'll put one of those below.  See what you think.



  1. I would tend to agree with you. I can see the multiple similarities that would make others think it is the same person but also see some major differences also. Very curious. There are changes in his musculature. Which does happen with different workouts and time but stomach is very different. But when zooming the penis seems the same. (But balls different- does change with temperature). Ears are similar but are slightly different. Yes, I am over thinking it.
    Curious indeed.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to look at this one in detail. I agree with your points, btw. The picture in question is for sale, and these items sometimes fetch thousands of dollars, so not getting the ID correct would be a very big deal for a collector.

  2. I would say no. I have a few photos of Melvin and I really see no similarity and that is just in the face. I have noticed a few photos for auction where they have gotten the models name wrong. I would think a lot of serious collectors would question it as you have Jerry. Can anything be done about that?

    1. Vendors trying to sell such items range from amateurs on eBay who found something in Grandpa's bottom desk drawer to Sotheby's. The vendor in this particular instance is an art oriented site that I would place at the low end of the average/acceptable range in terms of accuracy (and quality) of offerings. The real problem here is that the photo sold for a hefty sum quickly. The sale page is still up and still uncorrected, showing sold. Somebody didn't get what they thought they were getting, and for all we know, a photo of the real Melvin Wells might be worth more than one of somebody who vaguely looks like him.

  3. Honesty is not what it used to be sad to say.

  4. If the faces were ar similar angle, it might be possible to juxtapose them to verify facial proportions (distance between eyes, nose mouth)
    On the belly: if there are a few years between both images, it could explain the model gained a bit more belly. I find tatoos or other body unique features are generally the easiest way to lump images into the same person.
