
Friday, January 12, 2024

The last portrait photo?

This is the latest portrait photo I could find of Lincoln Kirstein, and it's by JerryThompson from 1989.  (There are some later snapshots, but they aren't nearly this good.)  When the inevitable tributes began rolling in after his death in 1996, more than one writer referred to his struggles with bipolar disorder.  Well, that just reinforces what I've always believed about art and insanity going hand in hand.  Even when it comes to promoting and nurturing the arts, being a little crazy helps.



  1. Wow! A mega-post – 37 photos, if I counted right, with enlightened commentary about each one. The PaJaMa relationships were indeed a tangled web. Well done, Jerry!

    1. This series is phenomenal. I really couldn't articulate why I liked it so much, but Unashamed Male expressed my thoughts completely and much better than I could.

    2. Thank you, Larry and Nick, for your kind words.

  2. A great tribute to an extraordinary man - and to his remarkable friends and acquaintances. Thanks for untangling this complicated story and for presenting it so beautifully and memorably.
