
Friday, February 9, 2024

Muybridge Movie

 A movie worth a look

Viewer and frequent commentator Pat sent me this link to a rather good Canadian film on Eadweard Muybridge's life:

While there isn't as much male nudity as we might wish for, it does a good job of showing us the process he used for his photography and portraying his turbulent personal life.  Along the way, we see him encounter prudish opposition and Thomas Eakins, who is bizarrely played by an actor without a beard.  I have to give the film makers credit for getting a lot of material into a movie just under two hours, even if it seems a bit plodding for brief stretches.  Worth a look if you are interested in Muybridge.

Many thanks to Pat for finding and sharing this!


  1. Thank you Jerry. I have been reading that Gary Oldman who is a collector of his work still wants to make his own biopic. Considering how much there would be to tell, I think a miniseries might be the way to go. It is fascinating story that needs more time to tell it.

    1. A miniseries would indeed be the way to do justice to the story.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the link to the film. Really looking forward to it. Have been fascinated with him for quite some time.

  3. Being a bit of a Muybridge fan, I was hoping to see this at the cinema. But it got a very limited release here. Finally tracked down an NTSC DVD of it. The overall period look is quite good. Needs way more nudity...
