
Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Across the courtyard

If you ever visit the Capitoline Museum, be sure not to miss the smaller section across the courtyard from the main building.  It is accessed by a tunnel which has access to some terraces with great views of the forum.  Once there, I found myself lingering in several rooms containing dozens and dozens of busts of Roman men of varying ages and backgrounds.  Looking into their faces I kept thinking,  "You lived and died two thousand years ago or more, and here I am, admiring your handsome face."  If that isn't immortality, I don't know what is.  And yes, many are identified.



  1. I like the fact you were lingering, my friend literally had to pull me along for doing the same thing. If and when I get back I will go alone! Lol.

    1. Why go all that way and not linger? It's the only way to do it.

    2. Exactly. Always best when someone is like minded. I find I am under less pressure or stress when I do things like this by myself.

  2. Definitely good to be able to linger and just take it all in. Impressive stuff.

    1. I spent the better part of a day in this museum and loved every minute. They have a good (and very affordable) restaurant, too.
