
Sunday, March 24, 2024

All female class

This looks like a life drawing class at one of those progressive Northeastern women's colleges.



  1. And there's that symbol of the hardon...

  2. I wonder if the model doesn't have an erection, when I see the smiles and laughter of the lady on the right. I think it might have happened to me if the artists would have been handsome men.

  3. My body is scarred and fat from medical problems, so I wouldn't be a good model, but I would be quite willing to be one. I doubt that I could hold a pose for very long but I can still fantasize about it (chuckle). And it wouldn't matter if I were in front of males or females.

    1. Sometimes artists seek out imperfections in their models, so you scars might not be an impediment. They might actually add something to the character of the work.

    2. In fact, I know a lady who draws and in her drawing academy, they were looking for different anatomy. You should not believe that you have to be a top model to become a model, on the contrary, neither age nor physique should be an obstacle to posing. To answer Gérald, the models are not always standing, they can be seated or lying down.
