
Monday, March 18, 2024

And a final indulgence

I get a lot of messages from the blog contact form that never appear here, and one of the frequent questions is "What is your favorite picture?"  Well, that changes over time, and I've even done series on the topic, but the photo above is my current favorite.  It's by Gaudenzio Marconi from 1870, and I find the model, the pose, and the composition to be sublime.  I don't even mind the grid marks an artist put on there when he used the photo for it's intended purpose as poor man's substitute for a life model.  That just adds to the authenticity.  In my world, it doesn't get better than this.

And it doesn't get better than having a hobby that brings me as much satisfaction as this blog does.  To all you new viewers, welcome.  To all you loyal old timers, thank you.
As for me, I'm looking forward to the next 10,000,000.



  1. Jerry, your blog has started many a day (it appears here on the East Coast at 08:30) for me, reminding me of the beauty of the male body. It makes me proud to be male, a part of a brotherhood of men who enjoy men. Thanks for all your hard work. A congratulations on hitting the ten mil mark. We are both members of a BIG brotherhood, aren't we?

    1. May I echo your comments. I, too, check the blog first thing in the morning. Jerry's broad range of men, nicely represents us all. With my life, occasionally photographic modelling, and naturist activities, I like to think I do celebrate the utter magnificence of the naked male form, that does have a sense of being in a brotherhood.

  2. A very good choice, Jerry. That moment captured, for us to still enjoy and inspire.

  3. Congratulations Jerry! I wish you to quickly reach the 20,000,000th visitors. Do you know that 10,000,000 is the Belgian population? When I see my blog seen by 437 visitors since its opening, I am already very happy! :-)

    1. Thank you very much, Albert! We all had to start somewhere, and you are on your way. I check your blog daily, and we should discuss when you might be ready for me to put up a link.

    2. You would do me a great honor, Jerry....

  4. This is near the start of my day too, not the first thing that I check but among the morning routine after breakfast. It is 6:57 AM now here in Alaska. Congratulations to you for a very good blog.

    1. Thank you, Gerald for both your congratulatory message and your overall participation in the comments!

  5. Great work Jerry-Dee Exx

    1. Thanks, Dee! I really appreciate your participation and contributions.

  6. I am very grateful to be one of the ten mil that follow you, Jerry. That is an amazing accomplishment. Your blog is a kick-start for me on most days. To paraphrase from Annie Proulx's Broke Back Mountain, "I can't quit you, Jerry," nor would I ever want to. With deepest appreciation, Vik

    1. Thank you, VV! You flatter me, though. It's ten million views and not that many individuals, which would really be something. And while I have your attention, I want to let you know how much I appreciated your participation here and your private messages. They mean a lot to me.

  7. Congrats, Jerry! I'm happy to have played a small part. With aloha, Larry.

    1. Thank you, Larry! And it wasn't a small part that you played. Your help has been a major contribution, and I appreciate it.

  8. I have not seen this one before, it is perfection! In fact I have had a near perfect day got what I wanted on a shopping trip and came home to relax knowing I had this to look forward to. Made my day! Congrats Jerry!

    1. Thank you, Pat, and let me tell you one more time how much I appreciate your participation here.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hmm, I suppose I'm one of those 'loyal old-timers' - could take it both ways....! Congratulations! Keep up the good work, Jerry. Your blog is a beauty and we really do appreciate it. Cheers!

    PS Good to see the Aussies in 6th place! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi! Oi! Oi! đŸ€Ł

    1. Thanks for the congratulatory message and also for all the infomration and images you have so generously shared over the years, Brian! Nice to be reminded that you are Australian, too.

  11. I think this image is just amazing ... I wonder if anyone knows what painting it ended up in (if it ended up in a painting at all.)

    1. I have been hoping someone would let us know about a painting, but nothing so far. Google Images search was no help.
