
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Beer can boogie

Our last hippie of the day is a guy at one of the Proletarian Youth Festivals held outside Milan in the mid-1970s.  He seems to have made a musical instrument out of two beer cans.



  1. That seems to have been the end of the time when males were not ashamed to be naked around one another. That openness applied to non-hippies as well. I never had a chance to live in a commune, but my dad and the men who worked for him and lived with us showered together, swam naked, sunned naked, and had no hang-ups at all.

    1. They say history moves in cycles, eventually coming back around. Perhaps someday . . .

  2. It was a special time...and some of the things they stood for should have continued...we might have all been a bit better off.

    1. True. The idealism was laudable, but there were a lot of misplaced hopes.

  3. Replies
    1. No, they were definitely not all male. This site focuses on males, which is fine, but most hippie get-togethers had lots of females.

    2. While a few specific smaller groups were mostly male, it was quite mixed overall. Gerald is right about my selection of photos being skewed heavily toward men.
