
Monday, March 18, 2024

Intermission: Geography and Technology

This map shows the countries whose residents are my most frequent visitors going back to day one.  (The table at bottom shows the top twenty nations by visit.  Ukraine is a relatively new top performer, something I find amazing and gratifying, which I can also say about the presence of Russia in this group.  That Ukrainians under violent attack and Russians under severe repression come here makes me prouder than my overall numbers.  And speaking of repression, there's Iran, right there in the top twenty.  Too small to see on the map, but recently surging in terms of numbers are Singapore and Hong Kong, two places punching way above their weight class.  Honorable mention also goes to India and South Africa, two countries which have recently been on the upswing.  China comes and goes from the map depending on how strictly the government there is minding the internet connections.

For all of you all over the world, I thank you for coming here, and I wish you the very best, with my added hope for peace and freedom everywhere.



  1. Interesting. We both have France in third place. I was surprised at first. I guess our French readers appreciate vintage men.

    1. It didn't surprise me, based on my email and my old tumblr numbers. The one that surprised me most was Iran.

  2. Wow! Impressive. And interesting in the variety of countries.

    SB Dan

  3. This is so interesting! I have duel citizenship with the UK so I am pleased with the rank. I have to put a fire under my Canuck pals! Lol.

    1. Well, you're obviously not the only Canadian regular. In fact, I got a nice note from Jiel in Montreal just a minute ago.
