
Sunday, March 24, 2024


It must have been interesting for the model to look around the room
 and see himself sculpted in clay at least six ways.



  1. That would be a unique feeling, wouldn't it?

    1. It is. Although I've not done modelling for sculptors, I have done several 3 hour single poses, with stretching breaks, always still nude. Part of the very real "buzz" the model gets every time is seeing the artworks at the end of a sitting. Occasionally, I do this still nude. Becoming a sort of living piece of life studio equipment.

    2. This is quite fascinating, and knowing you, easily understood.

  2. I would have liked to know what a model felt when posing completely naked in front of painters or sculptors. I wonder if I could have stayed still and not been excited in front of all these men looking at your complete nudity and perhaps fantasizing... There were undoubtedly homosexuals among the artists who sculpted or drew you. ..

    1. True, and there were at leaste two women in this particular class.

    2. If I may add. Yes, you do feel naked. I've been modelling for over ten years. About five minutes in to every sitting, I think "Wow, I'm naked". Feeling every draught. You become very aware of genitals hanging in free space. Realising, just how much your balls move up and down. And your penis expands and contracts. All in response to the changing studio temperature. To stay still, the trick is not to be too tense. Remembering all muscles work in opposing pairs. When I first started, I was worried about getting hard. The trick for this is to keep a clean mind. Any "lengthening" I bite the side of my tongue. Most of the male life models I know are, like me, gay. As are many, but not all artists that like to draw the male physique. I hope that helps.

    3. Well, it does help me understand the way the physical and mental are so entwined in such situations. Very enlightening!

  3. I could never pose naked for females. And if I did get hard in front of males, it would not bother me. And if the class were all homosexuals, and they wanted me to be erect, I could jack myself up for them, and for hetero males, if they wanted.

    1. Agreed, all-male. / But, could you sustain it for an hour? That would be hard!

  4. Judging by the accuracy and detail of the student’s statues in the picture, I would hazard guess that this is a master class… All done in the Academic style, that is realistic, no radical, or Avantgarde renderings, and not done hurriedly…
